Giving a Lift to the Window Industry

Posted by Contributing Editor on Wed, Dec 31, 2014



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Don't Break your Back! - "Hand Truck Tips & Tricks"

Posted by Contributing Editor on Fri, Dec 19, 2014

If the hand truck you are using today requires the operator to put their foot on the axle and pull, then there is an easier and safer way - the PowerMate® way! PowerMate® has been proven by independent research to reduce the effort on the operator by as much as 87% versus a conventional hand truck. Use PowerMate® technology to help avoid preventable back injuries. Here is just one example: the unique 3 point break back system.

PowerMate® Unique 3-Point Break Back

The force required to break back a load when the dolly is loaded and at rest requires the operator to place their foot on the axle of the dolly and pull using their legs, arms, and back. This exposes the operator to potential injury that can be avoided with the use of a PowerMate® motorized stair climbing dolly!


The "Tip":

All PowerMate® L-, LE- and M-Series Stairclimbers feature 3 point "break back". Let your PowerMate® do the work for you! Simply raise the wheels 20-35cm, changing the fulcrum, and effortlessly break back the load without having to place your foot on the axle and pull, avoiding putting the operator at risk of injury.

Similarly, when placing a load down again, the operator is always in control. By "feathering" the close button, the operator can stand a load up without having to place their foot on the axle or use their arms to push. Let PowerMate® do the heavy lifting for you!

For more information on the ergonomic advantages of PowerMate®, we invite you to review the PowerMate® Safety & Profitability Presentation.

Seeing is Believing!

LPK-PA049652 Facebook link image ZC00029WP20140626FB

 At a recent trade show, PowerMate® had the opportunity to review the 3 point break back with many of the visitors. To the left you can see just one of the many "amazed" participants that experienced the value of 3 point back break first-hand! Often times it is possible to safely break back the load with little effort and just one hand placing both the machine and load in a balanced position.

To illustrate this unique feature at trade shows, PowerMate® exhibitors make a point of periodically asking a volunteer to break back the load like they would with a conventional hand truck. In most cases, the can do it with great effort and a few groans.

After raising the wheels off the ground, changing the fulcrum, they try again. To the amazement of everyone, the volunteer completes the break back; safely placing the machine and load in a balanced position. At this time, everyone wants to try using the PowerMate® dolly. The difference is astounding and the safety and ergonomic value of PowerMate® is clear.

Following the same procedure as detailed above, utilizing the leverage/hook bar found on all M-Series machines can further assist you in breaking back the heaviest loads up to 1 500lbs or 680kg! Using the operator's body weight and larger muscles of the legs, makes breaking back a load as ergonomically efficient as possible and requires the least amount of effort for the operator.

3-point break back is just one ergonomic advantage PowerMate® has when compared to other hand trucks that have the wheels and base plate fixed.

For some of the heaviest loads, like customers moving larger safes, vending machines, and built-in appliances, even with the PowerMate® unique 3 point break back, breaking back a load can be challenging. Here is another "trick" PowerMate® has used, over the years, to make break back easier with the heaviest of loads:

The "Trick" - The Wooden Block:

  1. Raise the wheels of the machine off the ground to fit a block of wood underneath.
    Wooden blocks of various sizes can be used as tools to assist in completing a wide range of moving tasks.
  2. Lower the wheels down onto the block of wood and continue to lower them to tilt the load.
  3. Place another block of wood under the load as far away from the machine as possible, ideally beyond the center of mass.
  4. Raise the wheels to remove the first piece of wood and position the wheels to complete the break back process.

To experience PowerMate® 3-point break back for yourself, you are invited tocontact your local PowerMate Partner or check out our NEW upcoming international PowerMate® Trade Shows and Events webpage for an opportunity to see PowerMate® near you!

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A Customer's Stairclimber Experience - Versatech Testimonial

Posted by Contributing Editor on Tue, Dec 16, 2014

September 22, 2014

Dear John,

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A Customer's Stairclimber Experience - Testimonial

Posted by Contributing Editor on Fri, Aug 29, 2014

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Tags: testimonial, Hess Mechanical, powermate, HVAC moving solutions, stair climber

Stair Climber Maintenance Tip - Ball Screw Lubrication

Posted by Contributing Editor on Wed, Aug 06, 2014

Little things can help a lot, like choosing the right oil and grease lubrication for your PowerMate® ball screw technology. To ensure the maximum benefit of your PowerMate® stair climbing and LiftGate equipment, correctly complete the minor routine scheduled maintenance, which can help you realize: the lowest total cost of ownership, improve your PowerMate® experience, and maximize your return on investment (R.O.I.)!

PowerMate® Ball Screw Technology

Keep you ball screw assembly thoroughly clean before lubricating and re-lubricating. The objective is to keep the ball screw assembly and drive screw clear of any debris that may increase friction, torque, or decrease efficiency that could have a negative impact on the life of the assembly.

In order to achieve this, the use of a light weight, three in one machine oil, like you would use for sewing machines, is recommended. Today there are many lubricant products on the market that are ideal and offer an operating range of -65ºF to 375ºF or -54ºC to 190ºC.

The ball screw manufacturer cautions not to use penetrating lubricants or other lubricants that contain either molydisulfide or graphite. Further, the manufacturer also warns that failure to regularly lubricate the ball screw assembly can result in as much as a 90% reduction in the potential life of the assembly - it is that important!

When applying or reapplying lubricant, make sure to wipe the assembly down thoroughly with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth approximately every 40 hours of use. For most PowerMate® users that is about once every two weeks. Lubricant can be applied generously so that a light film covers the entire drive screw. If your PowerMate® equipment is exposed to a dirty work environment, you may have to clean and lubricate your PowerMate® more frequently. If the operator notices the machine is not running smoothly throughout the entire stroke, or a visual inspection reveals signs of contaminants or debris, it is time to clean and lubricate the ball screw assembly.

When applying the lubricating oil, cycle the ball nut along the drive screw by “opening and closing” the PowerMate® stair climber several times.

If you choose to use cleaning fluid or solvent to remove excess dirt from the ball grooves, remember to flush the ball grooves thoroughly before cleaning and re-lubricating.


Like any tool or piece of equipment, take care of it and it will take care of you for many years to come! With care and minor routine maintenance your PowerMate® can last for years and years.  L P International Inc. has been in the business of building and distributing PowerMate® stair climbing and LiftGate products for over 35 years.

Cliquez ici to schedule an appointment for service or re-certification, or to inquire about a “do it yourself” Preventative Maintenance Kit from PowerMate® today!

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Tags: lifting dolly, training, ball screw assembly, maintenance, LiftGates, powermate, stair climber

Moving Heavy Loads On & Off Vehicles - "Hand Truck Tips and Tricks"

Posted by Contributing Editor on Tue, Aug 05, 2014

For more than 35 years, L P International Inc., the manufacturer of PowerMate®, has worked with their customers providing custom safety lifting solutions for moving loads up to 1 500lb or 680kg. Over the years they have developed many different value-added solutions and discovered even more ways to make moving heavy loads safer, easier, and more efficient; some may even say, "Magical!" 

The PowerMate® Hook Box Can Make Moving Safe and Simple!


Another value-added accessory PowerMate® has created as the result of working with their customers is the PowerMate® Hook Box Part #400090.

This small and often over-looked value-added accessory was created to assist customers moving heavy items, such as larger white goods, safes, vending machines, boilers, commercial water heaters, etc., by securing the PowerMate® M-Series Stairclimber and load to the bed of the delivery or service vehicle. Customers using the Hook Box tell PowerMate® they do now know how they did without it!

Deploy the hook bar (the bottom part of the retractable dolly attachment - found on all M-Series PowerMate® machines) and turn the "hook" up to a 90º angle as illustrated in the image above, then slide the hook bar into the hook. Now the PowerMate® and load are safely locked in place; giving the operator the assurance the load is not going anywhere but safely onto or off of the vehicle!

The Hook Box is an ideal solution for any vehicle the PowerMate® can climb into and out of. To remove the hook bar from the hook, simply release the hook and move the PowerMate® towards you (the operator) until the bar is free. With the machine in a balanced position, return the hook bar to the locked position on the PowerMate dolly and the operator can be safely on their way. It is that simple!

Sample Installation (above) in the bed of a pick-up truck.

In most cases, the installation of the Hook Box into a vehicle can be completed by your regular automotive mechanic in approximately 30 minutes. Many mechanically inclined PowerMate® customers have even installed their own Hook Boxes utilizing the detailed and easy to follow instructions provided with this accessory and documented in your M-Series Operating Manual. If you have any questions about the installation of your Hook Box, or where you can get it installed locally, contact PowerMate® or your local PowerMate® Partner.

With the Hook Box retailing for less than the price of dinner and a movie, many PowerMate® customers with multiple vehicles often have a Hook Box installed in each of them; preparing themselves to move safely and efficiently on and off any vehicle in their fleet.

Remember to include your PowerMate® Hook Boxes in your new machine order or you can have them shipped to you via overnight courier today!

Interested in learning more tips and tricks? Check back to the PowerMate Blog for the next post on the topic, or better yet, contact your local PowerMate Partner to schedule on-site operator training for you and your people. Take advantage of more than 35 years of safety lifting experience and learn all the tips and tricks from a qualified PowerMate® factory trained team member!

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Tags: lifting dolly, accessories, training, hook box, safety moving equipment, powermate, stair dolly

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Owner Wins the PowerMate® GIVEAWAY

Posted by Contributing Editor on Tue, Jul 15, 2014

For the past year PowerMate has received many entries into our PowerMate® GIVEAWAY contest. We would like to thank everyone that has entered. We have a Winner!!!

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Tags: PowerMate L1, contest winner, Announcements, powermate, dolly

Charging your Motorized Dolly - New Chargers!

Posted by Contributing Editor on Mon, Jul 14, 2014

With a commitment to continuous improvement, there are a number of product initiatives underway at L P Intentional Inc., the manufacturer of PowerMate®. All of these initiatives are happening with the goal of making PowerMate® even more efficient and maintaining their current, competitive pricing structure for their valued customers - both past and future!  The first involves the introduction of new battery charging units for all PowerMate® stair climbing dollies.

Standard Wall Charger:

All PowerMate® stair climbing hand trucks come complete with the standard wall charger –

Part# 400210 or 400211.


The Part# 400210 or 400211 charger comes standard with all PowerMate® Stair Climbers. It is safe and strongly recommended to leave all PowerMate® machines plugged in when not in use. The battery will not overcharge and has a built-in automatic shut off feature!

# 400210

# 400211

In-Vehicle Chargers:

Customers that use their PowerMate® as a shared resource often opt for the #400215 or #400217 in-vehicle charger as it affords them the flexibility to move the charger and PowerMate® machine from vehicle to vehicle as required on any given day!

When a 12V accessory outlet is not available or the PowerMate® is a dedicated resource to a vehicle, customers chose the #400216 or #400218 battery charger and never have to worry where the charger is when they need it! PowerMate® users cite the use of either of the two in-vehicle charging systems as the reason they do not need to purchase an extra battery pack to get through even the busiest of work days!

IN-VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEMS (IVCS) – 400215 & 400217 or 400216 & 400218

PowerMate® smart charging system keeps your PowerMate® charged while you are running your vehicle. It will never draw below 75% of your vehicles battery charge, so your vehicle will always have enough power to start your vehicles engine every time! Part# 400215 and 400217 plug into a 12V accessory outlet and Part# 400216 and 400218 are hard wired directly to your 12 Volt vehicle battery.

# 400215

# 400217

# 400216


# 400218

PowerMate® Stair Climbers with a Serial # less than 36000

For current and past customers with PowerMate® models having serial numbers earlier than serial number 36000, your charger will continue to serve you well. When it comes time for replacement, or your charger is misplaced, a conversion kit is available that will allow you to upgrade to the new charger!

PowerMate® Stair Climbers with a Serial # greater than 36000

All new PowerMate® stair climbers manufactured and shipped with serial numbers greater than 36000, are going out complete with the new charging system.

PowerMate® Battery Charger Reference Table:


Serial # < 36000

PART #   

 Serial # 36000+

PART #   

IN-VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEMS (Outlet)   400215  400217
IN-VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEMS (Hard-Wired) 400216  400218

Conversion Kit for machines manufactured Pre June 1st, 2014 and having a serial # lower than 36000 : COMING SOON

Not sure where to find the serial number for your PowerMate®?
Where do I Find the Serial # for my PowerMate®?

As always, for the many PowerMate® International customers the conversion kit is also available. When you are placing an order for a standard wall charger, be sure to specify the style of the male end of the charger, (that plugs into the wall), you need based on local requirements.

In summary, it is a commonly shared belief that the new chargers will increase efficiency, help maintain the current PowerMate® price structure and most importantly, enhance the PowerMate® user's experience! Check back again soon to learn more about product enhancements at L P International Inc.



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Tags: lifting dolly, powered dolly, battery charger, powermate, safety moving system

Turning in Tight Spaces - "Hand Truck Tips and Tricks"

Posted by Contributing Editor on Fri, Jun 27, 2014


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Tags: lifting dolly, accessories, training, powermate, stair climbing hand trucks, stair dolly

Where do I Find the Serial # for my PowerMate?

Posted by Contributing Editor on Mon, Oct 07, 2013

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